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Behind the Scenes at Seattle Parenting Podcast, Diversity Dad

Jama'l Chukueke on what inspired Diversity Dad

Published on: June 07, 2017

Jama'l Chukueke and his daughter

Two weeks before our baby was due to arrive, my wife’s water broke on the doctor’s table during a routine check-up. All of sudden, it was go time. 

Hours passed. Family and friends near and far eagerly awaited news of our baby’s birth. I, meanwhile, felt like I was going to pass out. Thankfully, the nurses gave me as much support as they did my wife. (I needed it!)

The contractions got closer and closer together. With only a nurse, my wife, her mother and myself in the room, my wife started to push. As I held one of my wife’s legs, I started wondering, “So, um, when is the cavalry coming in to help? Is it just going to be us delivering this baby?!”

But then, there it was: the crown of our baby’s head. “One, two, three, push”! the nurse said as the doctor rushed in. My wife bore down. This is unbelievable, I thought.

Q&A with Jama'l

Learn more about Diversity Dad and why he says "you gotta work until your eyes bleed."

Since the moment my daughter was born, I’ve been working to create a legacy she’ll be proud of. I want her to have a dad who helped others embrace the joy of parenting. 

That’s the inspiration behind my podcast Diversity Dad. The goal: Build a community of dads that share resources on fatherhood.

My mom raised me on her own as she and my dad were separated most of my childhood. Growing up in central New York, I would see other dad engaging with their kids on a consistent basis; I couldn’t understand why I didn’t have that same consistency. So while my dad and I have a great relationship as adults that childhood experience shaped how I want to parent. I want Diversity Dad to support dads regardless of the parenting situation — whether they're dealing with toddlers, teens, divorce, separation, whatever it may be!

The podcast is like therapy for me. Speaking to thought leaders like Hogan Hilling of United We Parent about dads having a voice in parenting society and Jeremy Maynard of Furthering Fathering about the mindset of being an effective dad has helped me better understand the importance of the fatherhood journey.

It’s important to me that dads have a voice. I want to empower all fathers to make the most of this experience and to be equal contributors alongside the partners in their lives. Let’s expand and challenge dads, allowing our diverse stories to shine as we make ourselves better for our families. 

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